The meeting was called to order at 9:02 am by Board Chairman, Mr. Mark Myers.

Mr. Myers gave the invocation and led the Pledge of Allegiance.

Ms. Kathy Lowrey led roll call. Present: Grant Black, Kurt Bozant, Eric Calvin, Kevin Davis, Greg Ireton, Linda Larkin, Mark Myers, Don Thanars & Athena Tzuanos. Absent: Troy Brackett, Donna O’Daniels, Thomas Shinn, Darrell Smith, and Kathleen Wilken. The quorum was met. Also present: Kathy Lowrey, Shari Appel, Kelly Baudoin and Valerie Waeltz.

There were no guests. There was no public comment.

Mr. Myers asked for a vote to approve the agenda. Mr. Davis motioned to approve, Mr. Calvin seconded, and the motion carried.

The minutes from the March 7, 2024, meeting was presented for approval. Mr. Black motioned to accept, Mr. Mr. Davis seconded, and the motion carried.

Ms. Lowrey gave the Treasurer’s report. She noted a strong cash position and that actuals were in line with budget thus far. Mr. Bozant motioned to accept the Treasurer’s report, Mr. Thanars’ seconded, and the motion carried.

Old Business: Mr. Myers gave an update on the meeting room expansion mentioning that the next construction meeting was scheduled for March 27 and that the entire project was slated to be complete by July 17. He also noted that the renovations to the existing men’s restroom had been completed and gave a brief update on the ongoing construction and installations. Mr. Myers then brought up an additional change order, RFC 8 to update the existing exterior temporary wall to a permanent wall. Mr. Art Baudoin joined the meeting briefly to give details on the change order. Mr. Baudoin recommended waiting to update the wall as he was still seeking additional quotes. Mr. Myers then mentioned RFC 9 which recommended leveling parts of the sidewalk to eliminate trip hazards. Mr. Myers called for a vote to approve RFC 9. Mr. Davis motion to approve, Mr. Bozant seconded, and the motion carried.

New Business: Mr. Myers gave a brief review of the General Liability insurance renewal costs. He mentioned an option of excess liability to provide additional coverage at an additional cost. Mr. Myers recommended opting in for excess liability to keep up with increases in cost. The Board agreed.

General Manager’s Report: Ms. Lowrey gave an update on some of the most recent events involving The Harbor Center as well as a few in the near future.

Sales Report: Ms. Waeltz gave the Sales Report.

Commissioner Comments:  Mr. Myers gave an update on the Lobby Lounge.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:31 am. Mr. Davis motioned to adjourn, Mr. Thanars seconded the motion, and the motion carried.

The next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, May 2, 2024, at 9 am.

Respectfully Submitted,

Kelly Baudoin