The meeting was called to order at 9:00 am by Board Chairman, Mr. Mark Myers.

Mr. Don Thanars gave the invocation and Mr. Myers led the Pledge of Allegiance.

Ms. Kathy Lowrey led roll call. Present: Grant Black, Kurt Bozant, Eric Calvin, Kevin Davis, Greg Ireton, Mark Myers, Thomas Shinn, Darrell Smith, Don Thanars & Athena Tzuanos, and Kathleen Wilken. Absent: Troy Brackett, Linda Larkin, and Donna O’Daniels. The quorum was met. Also present: Kathy Lowrey, Shari Appel, Art Baudoin, Kelly Baudoin and Valerie Waeltz.

There was one guest, Mr. Jay Ridolfo, Construction Manager for Blitch Knevel Architects. There was no public comment.

Mr. Myers asked for a vote to approve the agenda. Mr. Calvin motioned to approve, Ms. Wilkin seconded, and the motion carried.

The minutes from the January 4, 2024, meeting were presented for approval. Mr. Thanars motioned to accept; Mr. Bozant seconded, and the motion carried. There was no need for approval of the minutes from the meeting on February 1, 2024, due to a quorum not being met.

Mr. Shinn gave the Treasurer’s report. He commented that the net equity remained strong and reviewed a couple of expense lines. Ms. Lowrey informed the Board that the bond was close to payoff and that there would be some leftover monies in the account. Mr. Shinn then reviewed the 2023 proposed budget amendments to bring the projected in line with the actuals. Mr. Smith motioned to accept the proposed amendments, Mr. Bozant seconded, and the motion carried. Mr. Calvin then motioned to accept the Treasurer’s Report, Mr. Bozant seconded, and the motion carried.

Old Business: Ms. Lowrey gave an update on the meeting room expansion noting that it was on schedule to be completed on time. Ms. Lowrey then reviewed the proposed change orders. She explained that RFC # 3 was a modification to the storm drain. Mr. Ridolfo gave a detailed explanation to the Board of what that entailed. Mr. Baudoin explained why RFC # 4 did not fall under the change order guidelines. RFC # 5 was a modification of the canopy roof. Mr. Ridolfo again gave more details. RFC # 6 was to remove the temporary wall and replace it with a more permanent structure. Mr. Myers agreed that RFC # 4 could be handled under usual proceedings and would not need a change order. Mr. Myers then asked for a motion to approve RFC # 6. Mr. Davis motioned to approve, Mr. Calvin seconded, and the motion carried. Mr. Myers then called for a motion to approve RFC # 3, Mr. Bozant motioned to approve, Mr. Smith seconded the motion and the motion carried. Mr. Myers asked for a motion to approve RFC # 5. Mr. Ridolfo re-explained the need for the change order. Mr. Davis expressed his concern with the architect, not noticing the need for the canopy roof to be matched in the first place. Mr. Davis motioned to approve RFC # 5, Mr. Bozant seconded and the motion carried. Ms. Lowrey then notified the Board of the need to replace the existing flat roof. Two different options were presented as well as a letter of recommendation from Ibos Roofing to move as quickly as possible on the replacement. Mr. Myers recommended accepting the less expensive quote. The Board discussed the pros and cons of both options. Mr. Myers asked for a motion to declare an emergency replacement of the roof based on evidence presented by Mr. Ridolfo and Ibos Roofing. Mr. Smith motioned to declare the replacement as an emergency, Mr. Bozant seconded, and the motion carried. Mr. Myers then asked for a motion to award the contract to Ibos Roofing. Mr. Smith motioned to award the contract, Mr. Bozant seconded, and the motion carried.

New Business: Ms. Lowrey let the Board know of the upcoming 2023 Financial Audit and the 2023 Agreed Upon Procedure Audit. She also mentioned a new tech audit may be conducted. She asked for approval for Ericksen-Krentel CPA’s and Consultants to conduct both audits. Mr. Myers called for a motion to approve the contracts. Mr. Davis motioned to approve Ericksen-Krentel as auditor, Mr. Thanars seconded, and the motion carried. Mr. Black mentioned looking into a possible waiver for the tech audit.

General Manager’s Report: Ms. Lowrey provided a review of the March 2024 LA Food Truck Festival as well as various upcoming events. She then reminded the Board that their Financial Disclosure was due by May 15 and that she would be sending out a link to complete both Ethics Training and Sexual Harassment Prevention Training.

Sales Report: Ms. Waeltz gave the Sales Report.

Mr. Myers asked for a committee to be formed with Treasurer, Thomas Shinn to discuss the finances of The Harbor Center. Mr. Davis, Mr. Bozant, Mr. Calvin, and Mr. Ireton volunteered to be on the committee.

Commissioner Comments:  Mr. Davis gave a brief update on the upcoming comedy show with Mr. Angelo Tsarouchas. Mr. Thanars let the Board know of a D.A. Forum being held at Living the Word and of a free literacy seminar that was to take place this weekend. Mr. Myers gave an update on the Lobby Lounge.

The meeting was adjourned at 10:17am. Mr. Davis motioned to adjourn, Mr. Bozant seconded the motion, and the motion carried.

The next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, April 4, 2024, at 9 am.

Respectfully Submitted,

Kelly Baudoin